Vernal Truths

Educators: This One's for You
It is the time of year when things begin to go haywire. Students are buzzing and fizzing around you. Have you taken a breath today?
The energy dormant underground in winter is coiling up and ready to break through. Have you forgiven yourself for not knowing how to ground yourself?
It is the time of year of fast-paced change, events, performances, trips, and festivals. The last quarter of the school year will be here and gone like lightning, but feel as long as a century. Have you prepared yourself for the marathon?
I sincerely hope you can find time to sip the small joys that present themselves this spring.
Here is the newest image of the cherry tree at my workplace. It did bloom despite my worry that it might perish from the tight clippings.

Seeking Joyful Moments and Stories from the Classroom
The reading period for Teacher ALTruisms runs from now until June 1. If you have an uplifting story, consider submitting it for zine publication. Or, if you know of an educator with a good story, please forward this newsletter to them.
To Life!
Good News! The clipping I took from my father's beautiful red geranium is about to bloom! Until now, almost everything I have ever planted has died on me before it could bloom. Ask my colleagues who tried to give me fool-proof cherry tomatoes to grow one year. 🤪 Disaster. Signs are pointing to the reinvention of myself as a possible grower. I don't need a green thumb. It just takes a little belief and perhaps sunlight in the right places.

Until next time, may the sun shine warm upon your face.
I am sending you thoughts of comfort, care, and a little laughter for these tougher days.
We got this!
~Bridget 😇
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