Who I am, Where I have been, Where I am going

Some of you might be new to my writing, my person, my space. Welcome! I want to take a moment to introduce you to why I care so much about being present in this creative space. A space in which I hope we can help each other be ourselves, and soothe ourselves from the world out there, but also the world in our heads.
For the past 31 years I have been engaged in the act of teaching others, mostly middle school students, in both public and private settings. This year will be my 24th year at an independent school in Pasadena. A school in which I began as a (history) teacher, transitioned to middle school directing for 15 years, and am now holding several hybrid admin roles in addition to teaching a class or two. I have always taught even while working on the senior leadership team. Teaching is a creative enterprise and has always brought me joy even when it can also be draining.
Running parallel and sometimes intersecting with my teaching career, I am also a creative. I write poetry, essays, blog posts, dabble with fiction, and spend enormous amounts of time working on various projects, some of which are nearly published. I have tried for many years to quit writing and creative pursuits, but these attempts have failed. I can't stop, even when I was working 14-hour days and raising two children, I had to keep writing, keep working with words. Keep reading, keep daydreaming.
As this new school year begins, I will create more content here, and publish my latest project. I hope you will join me on this new adventure.
Wishing you comfort and peace as we begin the next school year (or next quarter depending on how you want to look at it). May each of you seek the joy that is right there for you, waiting to be discovered. Sometimes it is right in front of you like the orange creamsicle sunset in the last days of summer.
Be well. 😇
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